Thursday, June 9, 2016

Slam Poetry

SLAM Poetry

Slam poetry is really poetry that is greatly affected by the performance aspect. Slam poetry is performance based poetry that is usually carried out onstage in a poetry competition.  Individuals are awarded points based on content and style of the poem as well as the performance of the poem.  What this means is that competitors are judged not just on the quality of the poem, but also on their ability to perform a reading of the poem, focusing on tone, volume, and inflection, just to name a few. The performance is evaluate not just in these areas, but also rated on how well the overall performance connects to the tone and theme or meaning of the poem itself.  While slam poetry does focus on the performance aspect, it is necessary to point out that the content of the poem performed is just as important..

For this assignment, compose a poem that you are comfortable sharing.  While this assignment is not in a competitive setting, the performance of the poem is important and will be graded on. You have the freedom to write about any topic so long as it is appropriate for this class. The key to a successful slam poetry performance is ensuring that that your reading of the poem connects to the meaning and and tone of the poem as it appears on the page.  Consider the tone of your poem and how you can relate that tone and meaning beyond the words in the poem and into the performance.  

Compose your poem and create a video of your performance.  I recommend using Screencast-O-Matic to record your video.  If you prefer another source, that is fine, so long as you make sure that you have a reliable code that enables you to post the video in your blog.  In addition to the video, please be sure to include a typed version of your poem as well.

Here is an example of what I am asking of you.

"When I was Thirteen - A "Slam" Poem" by VicariouslyVirginia. Retrieved from

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