Thursday, June 9, 2016

Bio Poem

Line 1: Your first name
Line 2: Who is… (Four words that describe you)
Line 3: Brother or sister of… (Or you may choose Son or Daughter of...)
Line 4: Lover of … (three ideas or people)
Line 5: Who feels … (three ideas)
Line 6: Who needs … (three ideas)
Line 7: Who gives … (three ideas)
Line 8: Who fears … (three ideas)
Line 9: Who would like to see…
Line 10: Resident of
Line 11: Your last name

by: Edna Soave

Who is strong, kind, creative, and short.
Daughter of Barbara and John.
Lover of family, fun, Disney.
Who feels loved, optimistic, and happy.
Who needs family, books, and hugs from my kids.
Who gives patience, love, and friendship.
Who fears the ocean, spiders, and losing someone I care about.
Who would like to see my kids have a long and happy life.
Resident of Michigan

I Am Poem

Line 1 – I am (two special characteristics) 
Line 2 – I wonder (something you are actually curious about) 
Line 3 – I hear (an imaginary sound)
Line 4 – I see (an imaginary sight) 
Line 5 – I want (an actual desire) 
Line 6 – I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

Line 7 – I pretend (something you pretend to do)
Line 8 – I feel (a feeling about something imaginary)
Line 9 – I touch (an imaginary touch)
Line 10 – I worry (something that really bothers you)
Line 11 – I cry (something that makes you very sad)
Line 12 – I am (the first line of the poem repeated)
Line 13 – I understand (something you know is true)
Line 14 – I say (something that you believe in)
Line 15 – I dream (something you actually dream about) 
Line 16 – I try (something you make an effort to do)
Line 17 – I hope (something you actually hope for)
Line 18 – I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

I Am Poem
by: Edna Soave

I am a stressed mom in a hurry.
I wonder why the alarm didn't go off.
I hear my children laughing.
I see mounds of toys all over the floor.
I want a beach vacation!
I am a stressed mom in a hurry.

I pretend to not be annoyed.
I feel the heat coming out of my pores.
I touch my heart to slow its beating.
I worry that I am running out of time.
I cry when I am overly stressed.
I am stressed mom in a hurry.

I understand that kids make messes.
I say how thankful I am that they are so happy.
I dream of the day when they can completely clean up after themselves.
I try to remember it’s just a phase.
I hope to find some time to relax.
I am a stressed mom in a hurry.

Just Because Poem

Be as descriptive as possible when expressing your feelings. Try to go beyond the stereotypes and express the person you are inside.

Line 1 – Just because I’m ____________
Line 2 – It doesn’t mean _____________
Line 3 – Doesn’t _____________
Line 4 – Doesn’t _____________
Line 5 – Should be your strong statement, what you want the reader to understand about who you are

*Repeat format for another two stanzas.

Just a Girl
by: Edna Soave

Just because I am a girl,
It doesn’t mean I’m weak,
Doesn’t mean I’m not good enough,
Doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be treated the same,
I am just as worthy as my boy peers.

Just because I am a girl,
It doesn’t mean I am not smart,
Doesn’t mean I’m too emotional,
Doesn’t mean I’m not talented,
I am complex and well-rounded.

Just because I am a girl,
It doesn’t mean I can’t love and play sports,
Doesn’t mean I can’t play rock n’ roll,
Doesn’t mean I can’t like dresses and makeup,

I am who I want to be not who you think I should be.


An acrostic poem consists of using the letter of a word, which is the subject of the poem, to begin each line of the poem.  For this poem, choose an interests or hobby.

My Love of Reading
by: Edna Soave

Reaching beyond the pages
Expanding my mind
Diving in
Into exciting possibilities
New adventures await
Giving me even more to dream


A concrete poem is visual poetry.  The shape or form is as much a part of the poem as the words.  The words are arranged in such a way that they suggest a picture of the subject of the poem.

A Magical Mouse Kingdom
by Edna Soave

             a place where                                                   childhood lives
         and magic exists whe                                      re dreams come true
       and wishes are granted                                   a world where animat
        ion comes to life and                                       lands of adventure,
         frontier, fantasy, and                                          tomorrow let the
 imagination              soar sounds of           joy and excite
       ment         are all around smells of pop      corn,
                  pretzels, and other treats fill the air
               a beautiful castle stands firm as a place of
            pride exciting ventures are yours to be had as
          your soar through the sky on an elephant or go
          underground for a twist and turn mining coaster
           ride encounters with princesses and princes
along with pirates and villains inspire hope
   and endless possibilities created by a
         man and a mouse it’s a wonderful
                 place such an enchanting


A cinquain poem is a five line poem which is constructed with both syllable and part of speech constraints.

Line 1 – Write a noun of one syllable
Line 2 – Write two adjectives of four syllables
Line 3 – Write three verbs of six syllables
Line 4 – Write a short thought about the noun using eight syllables
Line 5 – Repeat the noun or use a synonym with two syllables

A Frosty Treat
by Edna Soave
Ice Cream
tasty, frosty
dripping, scooping, heaping
a favorite dessert for me
Ice Cream 


A limerick is a humorous five line poem which consists of a rhyme scheme of aabba. Lines 1, 2, and 5 have eight to ten syllables and lines 3 and 4 have five syllables.

Teacher Creature
by: Edna Soave

There once was an old lady teacher.
Who was a bit of a creature.
She tried to play ball,
But had quite the fall.
And was benched to the home bleachers.


Haiku poems are characterized by content, language, and form.  The content is usually about nature.  It usually does not have any similes, metaphors, or many adjectives. The most common form is three lines. The first and third lines are 5 syllables long and the second line is 7 syllables long.

Flying Beauty
by: Edna Soave

Butterflies flutter
Moving gently in the sky
Beautiful insects


A blotz poem is designed to describe an object which is not necessarily real.  It places an emphasis on alliteration. To create your monster, it may help to choose a subject or letter that you are comfortable with so that you can come up with enough details.

Line 1 – Name your creature (This is __)
Line 2 – Tell were your creature lives.  All words begin with the first letter of the creature’s name and should list at least four places.
Line 3 – Tell what your creature eats. Use the same first letter and include at least four items.
Line 4 – Tell what your creature likes.  Use the same first letter and include at least four items.
Line 5 – Tell something about your creature. Use the same first letter and include at least three items.
Line 6 – Tell about something your creature did to you.

by: Edna Soave

This is a teacham.

Teachams live on textbooks inside the truancy office in tiny towns in Texas.

Teachams eat twizzlers, tangy tangerines, tator tots, and tasty tacos.

Teachams like triangles, tutor, to tango, and play tennis.

Teachams talk in tongue-twisters, translate tales, train trainees, and trek trails.

This teacham took me on a trip to tour teaching towers.


Line 1 – Write one noun which is subject #1
Line 2 – Write down two adjectives describing subject #1
Line 3 – Write down three verbs ending in “ing” telling about subject #1
Line 4 – Write down two nouns related to subject #1 and two nouns related to subject #2
Line 5 – Write down three verbs ending in “ing” telling about subject #2
Line 6 – Write down two adjectives describing subject #2
Line 7 – Write one noun which is subject #2

Springing Up Fall
by: Edna Soave

lively, warm
growing, blooming, hatching
flowers, rebirth, harvest, leaves
withering, rustling, crackling
cozy, cool

Three Word Forms

Each line in this poem is made up of three words.  The last two words become the first two words in the next line. In the poem, try to progress through the images so a story is told.  Choose an event to write about and complete your poem in about 10-15 lines.

Christmas Eve Night
by: Edna Soave

white, snow, sleeping,
snow, sleeping, children,
sleeping, children, wait,
children, wait, santa,
wait, santa, sleigh,
santa, sleigh, presents,
sleigh, presents, under,
presents, under, tree,
under, tree, jingle,
tree, jingle, awake,
jingle, awake, kids,
awake, kids, open,
kids, open, gifts,
open, gifts, merry,
gifts, merry, christmas

Five Senses Poem

A five senses poem describes an emotion or idea.  It emphasis is on the different ways in which the senses can be used to describe.  For this poem, you are to choose your favorite season or holiday to describe.

Line 1 – Tell what color an emotion or idea looks like
Line 2 – Tell what the emotion/idea tastes like
Line 3 – Tell what the emotion/idea sounds like
Line 4 – Tell what the emotion/idea smells like
Line 5 – Tell what the emotion/idea looks like
Line 6 – Tell what the emotion/idea makes you feel like

Fall Favorite's
by: Edna Soave

Fall is orange, yellow and brown
It tastes like pumpkin pie
It sounds like crunching leaves
It smells like warm cinnamon
It looks like a field of apple trees
And it makes you feel comfortable

Slam Poetry

SLAM Poetry

Slam poetry is really poetry that is greatly affected by the performance aspect. Slam poetry is performance based poetry that is usually carried out onstage in a poetry competition.  Individuals are awarded points based on content and style of the poem as well as the performance of the poem.  What this means is that competitors are judged not just on the quality of the poem, but also on their ability to perform a reading of the poem, focusing on tone, volume, and inflection, just to name a few. The performance is evaluate not just in these areas, but also rated on how well the overall performance connects to the tone and theme or meaning of the poem itself.  While slam poetry does focus on the performance aspect, it is necessary to point out that the content of the poem performed is just as important..

For this assignment, compose a poem that you are comfortable sharing.  While this assignment is not in a competitive setting, the performance of the poem is important and will be graded on. You have the freedom to write about any topic so long as it is appropriate for this class. The key to a successful slam poetry performance is ensuring that that your reading of the poem connects to the meaning and and tone of the poem as it appears on the page.  Consider the tone of your poem and how you can relate that tone and meaning beyond the words in the poem and into the performance.  

Compose your poem and create a video of your performance.  I recommend using Screencast-O-Matic to record your video.  If you prefer another source, that is fine, so long as you make sure that you have a reliable code that enables you to post the video in your blog.  In addition to the video, please be sure to include a typed version of your poem as well.

Here is an example of what I am asking of you.

"When I was Thirteen - A "Slam" Poem" by VicariouslyVirginia. Retrieved from
